Flowers offer us so much. They provide pops of color and magnificent beauty, many contain proven health benefits, we love them for their welcoming aromas and some even taste as beautiful as they look.
While taste is subjective, here is a list of what I believe to be the most flavorful and well known to be palatable. Some are sweet, some are spicy and some are just interesting! Give them a try, get creative, let me know what you think of their flavor!

- Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) – Sweet, floral flavor, with lemon and citrus notes. Lavender is very popular and easy to source. It’s flowers look beautiful and taste good too in a glass of champagne, with chocolate cake, or as a garnish for sorbets or ice creams. Lavender lends itself to savory dishes also, from hearty stews to wine-reduced sauces. Diminutive blooms add a mysterious scent to ice cream, cookies, cakes, frostings, cocktails and more and more.
- Rose (Rosa rugosa) – The flavor of these flowers is reminiscent to that of strawberries and tart green apples. Darker varieties have a more prominent taste than their lighter counterparts, but almost all roses are edible. Rose flavor is very popular in parts of Asia and in the Middle East, and you’ll be able to make rose water easily at home, or find it in your local grocery store. You can also flavor dishes by using whole petals like in our rose petal jam or fresh rose ice cream.
- Chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile) – Chamomile tastes light and fresh with just enough floral notes to make it interesting. There is also an earthy undertone as the base, which gives this drink its complexity for those who enjoy exploring different tastes in their drinks or want something different. Chamomile works well in baked goods like our Raspberry chamomile cake with honey buttercream or in a Lemon chamomile bar.
- Anise hyssop (Agastache foeniculum) – Anise hyssop flowers are often used to make herbal teas, tinctures or salves because of their strong “medicinal” flavor. They emit an aroma that closely resembles mint and licorice with an unexpected sweetness. You either love it or hate it. We love it!
- Lilac (Syrringa vulgaris) – Very fragrant floral taste, beautiful candied or infused in honey. Lilacs likely won’t be sold organically for consumption, so they’re best found home grown. They are low-maintenance shrubs. Lilacs offer good summer shade after they have reached several feet tall. Lilacs can be used for anything from a beautiful syrup to a delicious dessert garnish. The best place to plant lilacs is near an entertainment area so they can add color and fragrance, but far enough from power lines and water piles so they can grow to their full potential over several years.
- Elderflower (Sambucus) – The elderflower has a slightly herbaceous flavor that’s not too strong, but it does add some depth to the drink. It’s smooth and sweet combined, which makes it a perfect palette-cleansing flavor in a drink after a meal. Enjoy it in Easy elderflower lemonade or any cocktail with this simple Elderflower simple syrup recipe.
- Jasmine (Jasminum) – Jasmine has an interesting flavor profile. It’s found worldwide in many cuisines and is considered very palatable but complex and difficult to compare with anything else. It’s fragrant with a delicate and sweet taste. One of our absolute favorites. You will love it in our Jasmine greyhound.
- Honeysuckle (Lonicera periclymenum) – Gorgeous with a sweet honey flavor. Only the flowers are edible, avoid the berries which are poisonous.
- Evening Primrose – A very strong floral flavor and gorgeous aroma. Best for true edible flower lovers!
- Orange blossom – The taste of orange blossom is unique, with a strong but aroma that smells more like fresh flowers than fruit. The flavor itself can be compared to lighter versions of traditional oranges combined with jasmine. It is beautiful in baked goods, like our Orange blossom shortbread, Orange blossom bundt cake. And it’s magical mixed up in Orange blossom creamsicle, Floral smoothie, or a Refreshing orange blossom cocktail.
- Nasturtium flavor: Nasturtium has a mildly peppery flavor with an aroma reminiscent of mustard. It’s perfect for savory dishes like a Vibrant edible flower salad or Edible flower spring rolls.
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